Maximize metal recovery
Create additional revenue streams
Reduce environmental impact
Agglomerating metallic-bearing by-products, including dust, sludges and millscale.
Scrap Turnings Briquetting
Processing low-quality metal scrap into briquettes of high-quality steel scrap.
Agglomerating micro-sized steel mill by-products into small pellets to feed into sinter plants.
Process used to recover ferroalloys (FeCr, FeMn, SiMn, FeSi) from historical ferroalloy slag dumps.
Metal Recovery
Recovering trapped metal from crushed slag, ensuring the materials can be reused in the steelmaking process.
Wet Milling
Recover metal from EAF and Stainless Slag through the wet milling process.
Sludge De-Watering
Reducing the water content from sludges by means of plate, tube and belt presses or by evaporation.
Oily Millscale Processing
Removing and processing millscale from the casters and roll mills into a briquetted product for reuse.
Making a world of difference™
Carlton House, Regent Park
299 Kingston Road
Surrey KT22 7SG
United Kingdom
Tel: 44 (0) 1372 381400