To accommodate women region-wide, the chapter has two sections: a Portuguese section, which includes Portugal and Brazil, and a Spanish section, which includes Spain, Mexico, Peru and Argentina. After developing the steering committee in early 2023, the region held its first meeting in July, during which women met within their specific sections. The session was started by announcing the annual calendar of events, followed by the launch of a book club, with their first read being “Dare to Lead” by Brené Brown.
Following the success of their first meeting, the Portuguese section gathered for their second meeting in August. Led by leadership mentor Kleber Rodrigues, around 80 women gathered to learn about the power of vulnerability, the skills to generate courage and how to create meaningful and visible leadership as a woman of Enviri.
“The opportunity to have a space to express ourselves collectively and exchange ideas is unique,” says an Enviri Women member. “I value the chance to learn, develop new skills and grow together.”
Another group member expressed gratitude for the multifaceted program designed specifically for women. “Enviri Women is a relevant initiative that brings visibility to all of us, as it aims to develop, empower and enhance women's roles in operations and leadership.”
The group has a robust calendar with events and meetings through the end of the year. In the coming months, they plan to strengthen the community with a wellness initiative: Ladies Running. Learn about how Enviri Women honors its mission by focusing on three core areas: community, mentorship, and resources.